Arti-Facts is our Museum Newsletter published at various times throughout the year. Here you’ll find interesting articles on the history of Idyllwild and the surrounding areas of pine Cove, Mountain Center and Garner Valley. It also includes information on our Board of Directors, a president’s message and other useful information. Our most recent Arti-Facts is listed first. Click on the Title to to link to the complete edition.  As new Arti-Facts are published, past editions with lots of fascinating history about our area will be found further down the page. To read an older edition, simply click on the date. 

Our most recent Edition

Spring 2024 – Cahuilla Pictograph in County Park

Past Editions

Spring 2001 – The First Edition of Artifacts

Summer 2001- Idyllwild’s 100 Anniversary

Spring 2002 – Stories from the Past

Summer 2002 – Our Museum is a Reality

Winter 2002 – Our 2nd Year Begins

Spring 2003 – Postcards from Our Past

Summer 2003 – A Delightful Surprise

Winter 2003 – The Cole Family Legacy

Summer 2004 – Cabin Club Staffs Our Museum

Autumn 2004 – A Fond Farewell

Winter 2004 – Don’t Let History Happen Without You!

Spring 2005 – Our Weather is Making History

Summer 2005 – Visit to Desert Queen Mine in Joshua Tree National Park

Autumn 2005 – Collections Crew

Summer 2006 – Two Men Who Made a Difference

Autumn 2006 – Tahquitz – A Rock Climber’s Challenge

Winter 2006 – 3000 Years and Counting

Spring/April 2007 – The House Built from One Rock

Summer 2007 – The Lovekin Tree

Autumn 2007 – Hemet Dam

Winter 2007 – All Roads Lead to Idyllwild

Spring 2008 – Cowboys and Indians

Summer 2008 – Our Very Own Mountain

Autumn 2008 – Thar Was Gold in Them Thar Hills

January 2008 – The Battle to Save Our Forest

Spring 2009 – Burned to the Ground

Summer 2009 – A Tale of Two Families

Fall 2009 – Idyllwild Reminiscences

Winter 2009 – From All Work to Mostly Play

Spring 2010 – Our Wonderful Museum

Summer 2010 – IAHS Earns Statewide Recognition

October 2010 – Special 10th Anniversary Edition: It’s Time to Celebrate!

Autumn 2010 – A Great Celebration and a New Beginning

Winter 2010 – When Lemon Lilies Abounded

Summer 2011 – Various Articles about Idyllwild

Autumn 2011 – About the Museum Archives

Winter/Spring 2011 – Bay Tree Spring – From Well to Spring

Spring 2012 – Family Values and Claudius Lee Emerson

Summer 2012 – Summer Parties in Idyllwild 

Autumn 2012 – Ads from the 1920’s Idyllwild Breeze Newspaper

Winter 2012 – Bill Price and the Origin of the Idyllwild Fire Department

Spring 2013 – Idyllwild County Park

Summer 2013 – Searching for Validation

Autumn 2013 – The Mountain Fire

Winter 2013 – Betty Maxwell

Spring 2014 – Peeling the Onion – A Metaphor for Historical Reearch

Summer 2014 – Reva Ballreich and the Lilacs of Idyllwild

Autumn 2014 – Maggie Dutton, an Idyllwild Original

Winter 2014 – History – Why Do We Care About It?

Spring 2015 – Telephone Service in Idyllwild

Summer 2015 – Tales from the Pacific Crest Trail

Winter 2015 – From Evanswood to the James Reserve

Winter 2015 – ISOMATA: How an Arts Education Dream Was Saved

Spring 2016 – Lawler Lodge Origins

Summer 2016 – Roads to Idyllwild: Getting There Was Half the Fun!

Autumn 2016 – The Rustic Tavern – Silver Pines Lodge History

Winter 2016 – Ma Kettle (Marjorie Main):  At Home in Fern Valley 

Spring 2017 – The Heart of the Village

Summer 2018 – Paul Ward – A Family Affair

Winter 2018 – Keen Camp

Summer 2019 – Ann Lay

Winter 2019 – Giants in Our Forests

Summer 2020 – Prohibition in Idyllwild- Idyllwild’s 30 Years War

Winter 2020 – Power to the Mountains

Summer 2021 – Reprint of Ma Kettle: At Home in Fern Valley

Winter 2021 – Fire on the Mountain

Summer 2022 – Reprint: Heart of the Village

Winter 2022 – Betty Maxwell – “Remarkable”

Summer 2023 – That Was Gold in them Thar Hills

Spring 2024 – Art in the Park – Cahuilla